Why the Blog? Why Passion?

For those of you who don't know me, this page may appear at first glance to be a shrine to a particular group or a particular people. However, I hope that you are able to see past the seeming repentiveness and see the heart behind the words, videos, and images.
Shortly after first moving to Texas in 2002, I became acquainted with a ministry/movement called Passion. At first hearing, it was quite evident in the things that they stood/stand for and the passion with which they indvidually and corporately live out their lives, that Jesus Christ the Son of God and Saviour of the World, was the heartbeat behind it all.
Ever since that first introduction, I have seen time and again, the genuiness and transparency with which this group of people live their lives out.
More for my own self than anything else, I started this blog as a place to collect these images, thoughts, and videos, along with other things that God spoke and revealed to me that I might re-visit them from time to time...
Short of printing everything out and makes books and books of "inspirational stufff" I decided to compile everything right here, and rather than just being for myself, I thought you might want a peek into my world.

Sunday, January 31

The Tame Lion

Christine Caine - First Things First

"Though your beginning was small, yet your latter end would increase abundantly" (Job 8:7 NKJV).

One day I went to the zoo with my family, and as I walked past the lion cages, I realized something that fascinated me.

The lions were extremely quiet.

They were completely tame and domesticated. And when I noticed this, I received a revelation. I said to my husband, "This is what happens to many of us in the church. Jesus created us to be untamed, to be wild, to be undomesticated for the cause of the King and His Kingdom, but we get into the cage of religion and we start to assume this certain persona. We become safe, nice and domesticated."

And then I heard Jesus tell me, "I did not give my life and rise again from the dead just so that you can live a nice, little, safe, comfortable, complacent, ordinary life. I called you to live a faith adventure. Your latter days can be greater than your former days, and the best is yet to come!"

Jesus Christ is calling me and YOU onward to a faith-filled adventure!

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